阅读导航 : 主页>正义同盟>游戏新闻>新英雄即将到来:金属大师,莫德卡瑟


  A New Champion: Mordekaiser, Master of Metal-新英雄即将到来:金属大师,莫德卡瑟

  Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal-金属大师,莫德卡瑟


  Mace of Spades: On next hit, Mordekaiser swings his mace with such force that it echoes out, striking up to three nearby targets, dealing his attack damage plus bonus damage. If the target is alone,the bonus damage is doubled.


  Creeping Death: Unleashes a protective cloud of metal shards to surround an ally, increasing their armor and magic resistance, and dealing damage per second to enemies caught in the cloud.


  Siphon of Destruction: Mordekaiser deals damage to enemies in a cone-shaped area in front of him. For each unit hit, Mordekaiser’s shield absorbs energy.

  毁灭虹吸 : Mordekaiser对他面前锥形区域内的敌人造成伤害,每个被击中的单位都将为Mordekaiser增加若干护盾。(感谢MASTER YI同学解疑)

  Children of the Grave: Mordekaiser curses an enemy, stealing a percent of their life each second. If the target dies while under the effect of the curse, their soul is enslaved and will follow Mordekaiser for 30 seconds. During this time, Mordekaiser gains some of their ability power, attack damage, and health.


  Iron Man (passive): 20% of the damage dealt from abilities is converted into a temporary shield, absorbing incoming damage.


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