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  尊敬长者<春节成就>(To Honor One's Elders)

  头衔奖励:长者(Title Reward: Elder)

东部王国的长者们(Elders of Eastern Kingdoms) - 祭拜东部王国的长者。 卡拉诺斯的金井长者(Goldwell the Elder)
诅咒之地的风怒长者(Bellowrage the Elder)
闪金镇的雷眉长者(Stormbrow the Elder)
西瘟疫之地的幽林长者(Meadowrun the Elder)
祖尔格拉布的星林长者(Starglade the Elder)
藏宝海湾的冰蹄长者(Winterhoof the Elder)
塞尔萨玛的银脉长者(Silvervein the Elder)
哨兵岭的逐星长者(Skychaser the Elder)
燃烧平原的巨石长者(Rumblerock the Elder)
烈焰峰的晨行长者(Dawnstrider the Elder)
辛特兰的雪峰长者(Highpeak the Elder)
灼热峡谷的铁环长者(Ironband the Elder)
布瑞尔的灰石长者(Graveborn the Elder)
瑟伯切尔的黑曜石长者(Obsidian the Elder)
东瘟疫之地的风路长者(Windrun the Elder)
圣光之愿礼拜堂的雪冠长者(Snowcrown the Elder)
通灵学院的月击长者(Moonstrike the Elder) 卡利姆多的长者们(Elders of Kalimdor) - 祭拜卡利姆多的长者。 剃刀岭的符文图腾长者(Runetotem the Elder)
艾萨拉的夜光长者(Skygleam the Elder)
十字路口的月光长者(Moonwarden the Elder)
陶拉祖营地的高山长者(High Mountain the Elder)
棘齿城的风之图腾长者(Windtotem the Elder)
多兰纳尔的锋叶长者(Bladeleaf the Elder)
奥伯丁的星纹长者(Starweave the Elder)
血蹄村的血蹄长者(Bloodhoof the Elder)
阿斯特兰纳的水歌长者(Riversong the Elder)
菲拉斯的恐怖图腾长者(Grimtotem the Elder)
厄运之槌的迷雾长者(Mistwalker the Elder)
费伍德森林的夜风长者(Nightwind the Elder)
乱风岗的星灵长者(Skyseer the Elder)
沙漠赛道的晨露长者(Morningdew the Elder)
塔纳利斯的暴怒图腾长者(Ragetotem the Elder)
加基森的梦言长者(Dreamseer the Elder)
安戈洛环形山的雷角长者(Thunderhorn the Elder)
冬泉谷的金矛长者(Brightspear the Elder)
永望镇的石塔长者(Stonespire the Elder)
希利苏斯的棱石长者(Primestone the Elder)
塞纳里奥要塞的刃歌长者(Bladesing the Elder)


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