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号称世界上最好的帕拉丁, 创造了世界最快的1-70记录的人.(而且有个超级漂亮的模特女朋友!)

以下为引用原文来自World of Athene:

World famous World of Warcraft player and record-holder 'Athene' has just powerlevelled the world's first level 79 character, Darus, in World of Warcraft while going for world first level 80 using a mob-tagging method that was confirmed by Blizzard GM Aegeoth to be perfectly legal in the game (as shown in screenshot at the link below). Somehow the team still got illegitimately banned right before hitting level 80 by GM calordion.

The second fastest powerlevellers were 10 hours behind and were at around level 76 with their character.

Technically, Athene and his team were able to level a character to lvl80 within 13 hours after the game's release, beating the world first record by miles.

This was done with Meatloaf, Darus, Athenelól, Airbombas and Slö on the 'Stormscale' realm, which is the most competitive realm in all of Europe. Athene sympathizes with these team members who all got banned for giving it their all to break the record using perfectly legal methods. Athene is confident that this misunderstanding will soon be rectified by Blizzard. Athene broke the world first record just for the lulz, but of course the whole banning situation make it even more epic lulz.

(also, a tip for free: while levelling in WoTLK, do not attack tagged mobs because Calordion will ban your ass ;) )

Everyone knows Athene as 'the best Paladin in the world' from the Athene YouTube series about his life as a pro-gamer. Setting these records once again proves that the legend is real.


世界著名的魔兽世界玩家及记录保持者Athene刚刚用副本AOE升级法将一个叫做Darus的人物升到79级.在他们升级前Athene的升级方式得到了GM Aegeoth的合法化确认. 但是他们还是在即将到达80级前被另一名GM Calordion暂时封停了账号.(并且Darus这个角色也被放回到了70级)

官方世界的最快到80级的Nymh在Darus 76级的时候比他慢了十小时的进程以上.

技术上来说, Athene和他的队伍可以在游戏放出的13个小时内把一个角色升到80级, 完完全全地把世界最快到80的人抛到千里之外.



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