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Rune Strike
I'll try this once again. I used "rogue killer" as shorthand, but so many players have such blind hatred for rogues that they only noticed those couple of words and missed the actual intent of the change.

We made Rune Strike a tanking tool. Really. We even made the decision in my office, and I think it was just after dinner one night. DK threat turned out to be a lot lower than we expected, largely because if an early hit in the rotation fails to land (miss, dodge or parry) then the DKs runes and rotations are all messed up. We needed an ability that you couldn't just spam, so we made it only light up when the tank dodges or parries. But Rune Strike was packing such a punch (and it needed to) that we didn't want to let it miss or we weren't really solving the threat problem.
符文打击是用来坦克的。 DK的仇恨貌似远低于我们的预期,因为DK的仇恨建立和其它坦克不一样,它遵循一个严格的循环(你的符文和能量不怎么受到伤害的影响,你能放出的技能数量受限于你的GCD),这样DK一旦一个技能未命中,那么他/她的符文和循环就会搞得很糟,我们需要一个技能让你用,所以我们把符文打击设置成只有当招架或闪躲以后才能用。但是符文打击不会被躲闪招架(那是需要的,如果没有这个特性,我们的仇恨问题就不会解决)

The problem is this makes it a very good PvP tool vs. melee classes, because they are attacking the DK (who dodges or parries) and they often rely on their own avoidance to escape melee damage.

It's dangerous from a design perspective to have an ability really overbound like that. If DK threat was too low, we couldn't buff Rune Strike because that ends up being a big PvP buff. If DKs needed to do more PvP damage to melee classes we couldn't buff Rune Strike, because that makes them better tanks.

Our intent was not that the DK is all about Rune Strike the way the Arms warrior is all about Mortal Strike. Rune Strike isn't even that interesting an ability -- it doesn't use runes and isn't tied to diseases which are actually the core mechanics we want the DK to be concerned with in PvE and PvP.

It's not that we love rogues (or that we hate them). We just didn't want the PvP Death Knight to be a Rune Strike slinging fiend. Use Blood Strike, Howling Blast, Scourge Strike or your other abilities. If those aren' t enough to let you stand up to melee, we'll make adjustments, but almost certainly not through Rune Strike.

If it can't help but distract you, forget the "rogue killer" part. We didn't want Rune Strike to be this ungodly PvP tool which it just happened to be.

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