

作者:57 文章来源: 更新时间:10-03-23

太空工程車 太空工程車 <SCV>

晶礦: 50
人口: 1
建造時間: 17

生產: 指揮中心
熱鍵: S
生命: 60

護甲: 0 (+1)
類型: 輕甲
移動: 普通
修正: 生物 - 機械
傷害: 5
距離: 近戰
速度: 普通
目標: 地面




能力 熱鍵 描述 晶礦 高能瓦斯 時間
修復 R Repairs a target mechanical unit or structure at the cost of resources.
採集 G Gathers minerals and vespene.
建造建築 B Enables the SCV to build basic structures.
建造進階建築 V Enables the SCV to build advanced and high tier structures.


DeathRevealRadius value: 3
Race value: Terr
Mob value: Multiplayer
DefaultAcquireLevel value: Defensive
Response value: Flee
LifeStart value: 60
LifeMax value: 60
LifeArmorName value: Unit/LifeArmorName/TerranInfantryArmor
速度 value: 2.8125
Acceleration value: 2.5
LateralAcceleration value: 46
人口 value: -1
CostResource index: 晶礦, value: 50
RepairTime value: 16.667
AttackTargetPriority value: 20
AIOverideTargetPriority value: 10
DamageDealtXP value: 1
DamageTakenXP value: 1
KillXP value: 10
Radius value: 0.375
SeparationRadius value: 0.375
InnerRadius value: 0.375
CargoSize value: 1
ScoreMake value: 50
ScoreKill value: 100
ScoreResult value: BuildOrder
SubgroupPriority value: 6
MinimapRadius value: 0.375
FlagArray index: Worker, value: 1
FlagArray index: PreventDestroy, value: 1
FlagArray index: UseLineOfSight, value: 1
PlaneArray index: 地面, value: 1
Collide index: 地面, value: 1
Sight value: 8
AbilArray Link: stop
AbilArray Link: attack
AbilArray Link: move
AbilArray Link: Repair
AbilArray Link: SCVHarvest
AbilArray Link: TerranBuild
Attributes index: 輕甲, value: 1
Attributes index: 生物, value: 1
Attributes index: 機械, value: 1
EditorCategories value: ObjectType:Unit,ObjectFamily:Melee
GlossaryCategory value: Unit/Category/TerranUnits
GlossaryPriority value: 10
StationaryTurningRate value: 999.8437
TurningRate value: 999.8437
WeaponArray Link: SCV

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