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  我们今天讨论的核心问题是 HS ( 英勇打击 ). HS 理论上讲是一种当你知道你会得到更多的怒气的时候你要准备去使用的一个技能。 理论上,没怒的时候不用,有怒的时候再用。

  问题是,现在的版本, boss打坦克都很疼,同时,我们也提供给了战士坦克很多用不到多少怒气的拉仇恨的招儿。 结果就是, 战士在坦克一切比较Nb的副本的时候的怒气总是溢出,所以字面上讲,HS几乎可以在每一次平砍中使用。




  我们还有一个想法来改变“下次攻击”这个模式 ,让英勇打击成为一个高怒是时才能使用的技能,低怒是用其他的技能(你他妈要敢改dps战士就废了)。 我们始终都要明确一点,就是坦克要在仇恨不够的时候能够做出及时地动作和反映。


  原文引用自 mmo-champion:


  Heroic Strike Spamming

  This is the heart of the problem. HS in theory is something you use when you have more rage coming in than you know what to do with. In theory you stop using HS when rage is low, and then pick it up when rage is high

  The problem is that bosses hit really hard these days and we have given warriors a lot of ways to make their attacks cheaper. As a result, warriors are often flooded with rage while tanking anything remotely dangerous. You can literally HS every single white hit.

  We can't just cut the rage per damage number without a lot of testing, because that would affect not only tanks in low-rage situations (like tanking a heroic with great gear) but it will also affect dps warriors, especially in PvP. Hitting a warrior is always a double-edged sword in PvP because you are giving them resources.

  A long-term change would be to make even more of tanking warrior threat come from damage done and really scale back the threat from damage taken. Maybe you would HS after a big dragon breath or something, but you wouldn't be able to turn 90% or more of white hits into Heroics. Of course we'd have to make sure threat overall didn't suffer, so you can see how this gets to be a pretty big change (bigger than 3.1 in any case).

  The other approach is to let HS be a toggle or something else that can bleed off rage without requiring the player to hit the button virtually every 1.6 sec (or faster).

  Yet another approach is to get rid of the on-next-swing concept. Make HS something you do when you have lots of rage and make Devastate something you do when you don't have as much. Again, we'd need to make sure that the tank could do something if they felt aggro slipping away.

  Even longer term we need to think about whether we're even happy with this model of tank takes damage and converts it into threat or not


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