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  《永恒之塔》除了顶级的画质,游戏音乐表现同样创造了业内的一个全新标杆。而这一些,源于日本顶级音乐人梁邦彦的倾情打造。 《永恒之塔》音乐制作人--梁邦彦,凭其自身文化底蕴的博大精深,造就了游戏音乐的浑然天成。比如极乐世界背景音乐大气恢宏,欣欣向荣蓄势待发;贝尔特伦的音乐神秘而安静;到了遗世村庄,音乐又会变得如泣如诉……

  特别是主题曲《Forgotten Sorrow 》,更是打动了无数玩家的心,然而遗憾的是,目前这首歌曲尚无中文版演唱。



  1、为英文歌曲填中文词 2、尝试用中文唱出这首主题歌


   不管是填词,还是唱出中文版主题歌,经玩家品论支持,以及我们的评选,玩家都可获得以下奖品。 最佳填词奖:五名,每人奖励包裹扩展卡一个。 最佳歌唱奖:五名,每人奖励独有行为卡片“性感波”一个。其中第一名更可额外获得一把44级金色特殊外形武器。




  :《Forgotten Sorrow 》

   don't cry for me. how easy love has gone. try to see. how deep my despair is.

  come the winds of fate and time. take all my tearful memories.

  call out to thee sing your name is sweet harmony but only echoes fade away.

  crying breeze to thee ever moment with chiming wind where has gone silent tears don't sigh for me.

  your hate rings false to me. try to see. the shards of history.

  darkness fills my heart and i laugh loud at all thet's passed us by call out to thee sing your name is sweet harmony, the wind blows endlessly.

  roamig around whirly world rough breath in dark. cruel blades and tears in sorrowful days.

  buming away hollow hopes wrong pray for God. where the angels has gone so i need weep myself out gently, in a blind. please come to me.

  come dusk the past will flee. try to see. the new dawn brings hope faintly









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